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Ducado YR representing Czech Republic at the MCI European Dressage Championship Finals of the Iberian Horse 2016 in Italy 23.10.2016

Ducado YR representing Czech Republic at the MCI European Dressage Championship Finals of the Iberian Horse 2016 in Italy

Only few days left for us to leave for Italy and so we are finally announcing that our Ducado is going to be representing Czech Republic at the Final of the European Dressage Championships of the Iberian Horse. We are so very proud of him to accomplish this, more than words can say.

What makes me sad though is that only 3 horses managed this from the Czech Republic = 2 PREs and 1 Lusitano. There are many Iberian horses these days in our country and yet these are the results. Makes me wonder and makes me sad because it kind of does speak for itself. But being the neverending optimist, I really hope that this will change in the future and will do all we can to help it....

Ducado is going to compete at the 3rd level, the other two horses in the level below. I will be taking many photos from the event and also writing an article about it for the biggest magazine here, the article was also requested by Andalusian World Magazine and will run in the USA. I think this is really great as this is a huge event and this year is its 20th Anniversary and should be interesting for the Iberian horse lovers in the USA. The Championship is always organized by France and each year held at a different European country = this year Italy, next year will be Spain (which will be interesting as it is close to Sicab and in the native country of the PRE horse)....

More information will follow and please keep your fingers crossed for our 3 horses = the most important thing is for them to get through the long trip and the whole even healthy and sound and mentally fit, we will do everything we can to ensure that will be the case of course :-)

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